Teambuildings as a driving force for sustainable change

December 7, 2022

Strengthening team cohesion, thanking colleagues, getting to know colleagues in a different way: these are just a few of the reasons to plan a teambuilding event.

But what if we told you that in addition to these reasons, you could add that teambuilding can be a driving force for lasting change?

  • Because yes, the fact that organizations are changing towards a more sustainable outlook is a very good thing.
  • But no, managers can't implement this change on their own.

So how can you add an extra string to the bow of your next team building event? That's what we explain in this article.

#1 Putting meaning back into your team activities

We've outlined the various reasons for teambuilding above, and for good reason: to organize a teambuilding without a purpose is to take all the meaning out of it.

Of course, it's possible to simply create an informal, fun space for your teams, but if you could look beyond that, what benefits could your teams reap?

  • For example, is there any point in highlighting a Sustainable Development Goal that you'd like to work on in the future?
  • Do you see a recurring wellness issue in your organization?
  • Do you intend to set up new actions to benefit the planet and its inhabitants?

Of course, team building isn't the answer to everything, but by giving it a new meaning, it can have a deeper impact in the long term.

Giving meaning to your team's activities helps to engage your teams in your changes, and to give meaning back to the day-to-day work in which they will sooner or later find themselves.

#2 Unite around a common goal

The initial aim of team building is, as the name suggests, to strengthen team cohesion.

Bringing your teams together around a common goal is an effective way of uniting them. This objective can be to reach a finish line or to learn something together. But it can also be a goal in line with your corporate values and CSR commitments .

For example, at Surveco we've decided that the winning team of our teambuildings can convert their points into donations and give them to one of our partner associations. An effective way of getting everyone involved in our activities.

#3 Start the engine

Now that you've determined the objective, it's time to put an action plan in place. But as the saying goes, we can't be experts at everything.

So if you need it, the Surveco team has created a tailor-made CSR course to put meaning back into your teambuildings and get your teams involved in sustainable change.

You can choose the number of teambuildings you want, the Sustainable Development Objective(s) you want to work on, and how often you want to run them.

To find out more, contact one of our experts here here.

Have you ever thought, " Communication at work is no piece of cake! " 🎂

Communication between team members, departments and services is not always easy. Team managers play a central role in this respect, but they in turn depend on various elements and policies.

In short, open communication is not always easy to achieve.  

Good team communication helps to unite and maintain cohesion around a common culture. It links departments and teams within the organization, and ensures that everyone is up to date, on the same wavelength and aware of what's going on in the company. Team members need to feel safe and free to ask questions and make suggestions to ensure authentic, open communication.

Good communication contributes to long-term business success , improves productivity and creates strong working relationships within the organization. Just think of the following signs of poor communication at work:

❌ incomprehensible objectives
❌ little or no feedback
❌ inadequate conflict management
❌ unclear instructions

It all boils down to one thing: a waste of time, effort and capital.

So how can we improve team communication?

First of all...

#1 Start with the basics

First and foremost, make sure there are no problems preventing everyone from communicating honestly.

đŸ€”Do I feelcomfortable having a conversation?
đŸ€”Can Icommunicate sincerely?

One of the most valuable things you can do as a manager is to ensure that your employees feel comfortable showing up to work fully themselves (or as much of themselves as they want).

It can mean:

đŸš«Express disagreements
đŸ§¶Talk about your passions outside of work
💬Be honest about the form of communication that works best for you.

In all cases, make sure you understand the needs of each team member and ensure that these needs are met within the team.

What's next?

#2 Request feedback

If you don't ask for feedback on your communication style, you may never get it.

Although communication in the workplace affects every interaction, team members don't usually see it as something to give feedback on. By asking your staff for their opinion on your communication style, you can continue to improve and develop clear communication strategies for your team.

#3 Understanding the team's communication style

Another effective way to communicate with your team is to ask them how they want to communicate.

Communication preferences don't have to be a secret - or a guessing game. Knowing immediately whether your team members prefer video conferencing or phone calls, morning meetings or afternoon work sessions, can help you create an environment in which they can thrive.

The important questions to ask are the following:

1ïžâƒŁSont are they morning or evening people?
2ïžâƒŁPensent are they better at saying things out loud on the spot or in writing?
3ïžâƒŁQuel what type of meeting or task gives them the most energy?
4ïžâƒŁĂ€ what type of personality do they identify with: introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
5ïžâƒŁAiment do they like structured meetings, or do they prefer free-flowing brainstorming sessions?
6ïžâƒŁOnt do they feel they know their team members , or would they prefer more team-building activities ?

#4 Give everyone the opportunity to share information

Setting up an intranet channel is really appropriate. It takes little effort to publish internal news on such a page, and it's also an easy way to keep abreast of important decisions . By regularly publishing new updates, you keep your teams interested .

And what exactly should be communicated? This is what employees find important: first and foremost, that they can openly express their opinions on important issues. Secondly, it's crucial for trust that mistakes are admitted. Finally, it's your duty to set a good example when it comes to corporate values.

#5 Set aside time for team-building

It's essential to get to know your team so you know how to communicate with them. It's especially important to take time away from work. Ice-breaking questions can help make every meeting personal and fun. So remember to start with some light conversation before diving into your meeting agenda.

Here are a few examples:

🙌If you could learn one new skill right now, what would it be?
🙆Do you have your own "colleague" at home (spouses, roommates, siblings, parents, pets)?
❀QuWhat do you love most about your job?
đŸ’ŒWhat was your dream job when you were a kid?
đŸ”What's your favorite drink when telecommuting? Do you prefer tea or coffee?
đŸ§‘â€đŸ«SurWhat subject can you give a 15-minute presentation on without any preparation?

And if you prefer personal questions:

📍What's your favorite place in the world?
💡Who has been your greatest inspiration in life so far?
🔍How do you imagine your life in 10 years?
đŸŽŒ If you had a theme song or soundtrack to your life, what would it be?
đŸȘ„Describe an experience you've had that made you rethink your values.

And as you can probably guess, Surveco uses questions to break the ice at the start of a teambuilding session!

Now it's up to you to optimize your company's communications!

In short, remember that good team communication is what you get:

➕A higher level of commitment from employees;
➕More motivated employees;
➕More personal development among them;
➕A higher level of team spirit to achieve goals;
➕A more pleasant working atmosphere!

Below you'll find a Free Bonus that can help you break the ice in meetings. 👇


Download our Free Bonus to Motivate, Entertain and Unite your Team

Complete Guide


Ready for the next step?

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Contact us!

Ready to take part in your next fun and committed teambuilding event?
Or not sure where to start?
Let's get together!

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